If a CD you want is not set up in our checkout
system, you can send us an email listing your wants and can pay with VISA/MC/PAYPAL or remit by
postal mail. If you send payment by PAYPAL, just specify the payee to be
EsotericTT@aol.com. If you use a credit card, please supply us with the card number, expiration
date, and 3-digit security code on the back of the card. Always include
your name, address and phone #. If you want to email us your CC info, it
is recommended that for more security the info, it be sent via two emails
For ordering information please use US Mail, Phone or Email
US Mail to:
Esoteric Sound
1608 Hemstock Ave.
Wheaton, Ill 60189
Fax Machine: 630-933-9801
Punch '#' then '99' if
you hear a recording
to Balkan Records